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Saiki Kusuo no Ψ-nan

Judul : Saiki Kusuo no Ψ-nan
Japanese : The Disastrous Life of Saiki Kusuo
Type : TV
Status : Complete
Episode : 24 episode
Aired : Jul 4, 2016 to Des 26,2016
Studios : J.C.Staff, Egg Firm
Duration : 20 minutes
Rating : 8.49 out of 10
Genre : Comedy, Shcool, Shounen, Slice of Life, Supernatural

Kusuo Saiki (16) was born on August 16th by normal parent completely. His mother name is Kurumi Saiki and his father name is Kuniharu Saiki. By coincidence both have the same surname. He is raised by them alongside with his older brother, Kusuke Saiki (18) who is also a genius child. Kusuo has many strengths such as telepathy and telekinesis. This may be sound cool but according to Kusuo's experience, superpowers aren't as good as we imagined. He tried to have a normal life despite the strength that made him up set.

During his mother pregnancy, Kusuo was using his transformation ability which can be see in the CT scans. Pengen eksis nih Kusuo 🙈. When he was born , he came out as a girl but an hour later he became a boy. At the age 1 year old, Kusuo was able to walk, yap walk on air (fly) 😂, teleport and telepathy to communicate with his parent and etc.

When the first time I watch this anime, I remember Seijuro Akashi, the captain of Generation of Miracle in Kuruko no Basuke. In the fact, Kusuo apperance similar with akashi. Morevore I think dubber-nya sama. First impression about this anime is not interest. Tapi tenyata setelah diikuti very good, very recomended sebagai selingan yang sudah tired with K-drama.  Ceritanya very simple, setiap episode has different stories dengan ke-absurd-an yang tidak wajar success make audience laught together atau nyengir gaje sendirian 😹

As the main rule, Kusuo has all kinds of pyschic related ability. He usually tries to avoid getting into troublesome situations. Soalnya ga dideketin aja hidupnya sudah penuh trouble hha. In the beginning, he was always seen alone but as the story progress he eventually get along with his schoolmates, especially Riki Nendou and Shun Kaidou (pengidap Chuninbyou parah). Fortunately , Kusuo sabar dan entah bagaimana sukses berteman dengan tingkah laku absurd yang lain. Iya betul sekali ga cuma schoolmates, orangtua, kakaknya si melokolis kebangetan. Bahkan his grandfather is Tsundere Senior. Kacau beud.

Kusuo was starred by Yamazaki Kento (Ish si dedek Yamaken💖) in the live action movie base on the series, as i know. But I haven't watched yet. So I will skip to review it. Okay I think reviewnya cukup. Review terkait Anime (Japanese), Manhua (Chinese), Manwha(Korea), dunhua (Chinese), Bollywood de-el-el sepertinya lumayan buat pengalihan.


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