Title: No Doubt In Us
Chinese : Liang Bu Yi
Author : Young Dream
Producer : Web Comics
Release : 2016
Status : Completed
Type : Manhua
Rating : 4.8 out of 5
Genre : Romance, Comedy, Historical
This is a manhua that I read first time on 2016. No Doubt In us is a popular Manhua (Chinese Manga) called Liang Bu Yi From Young Dream. You can read it in webcomic in free (available in playstore or web). The comics about love, switch-body, marriage, and politics. The most well-loved comic was released in 2016 and had won several annual awards for 3 consecutive years. It had been read more than 1,3 billion, more than 47 million likes, and more than 3 million subscription. It was included in Top 30 of Shanghai Internatioal Film and Television Festival's 2018.
Xiao Jin Yun, name's the emperor who naturally hate and don't trust the empress and her family. Jin Yun is a handsome, thoughtful and broadminded man however not good in material arts, military strategies and defense. Xu Yu is the name of empress who falling in love with emperor since she was a kid. She is a beautiful and a daughter of Genderal who very excellent in material arts such as archery, swordsmanship and horse riding. Xu Yu is capable to be the next General. Yet she is not good in sewing, knitting or something other women to do. Teringat pada seseorang 😶. Hha
The Emperor's hatred and distrust of the Empress has disminished since both fell into lotus pool and exchanged bodies. The Emperor realized how badly other treated The Empress that he had never known. The Empress also knew that Ministres did'nt respect Emperor inasmuch as he had a weak body and not good at war. The Emperor realized his feelings to Empress since she went to war.
Cuteness and absurd things are well presented. How the Emperor was surprised when he felt menstruation in first time. Very cute. Very funny 😝😂. Donghua (anime Chinese) is planned to air on October 2020 with 24 episodes. A trailer video for Liang Bu Yi had been revealed in made by Bililbili events Last November 17, 2019, as seen in the video below .
Chinese : Liang Bu Yi
Author : Young Dream
Producer : Web Comics
Release : 2016
Status : Completed
Type : Manhua
Rating : 4.8 out of 5
Genre : Romance, Comedy, Historical
This is a manhua that I read first time on 2016. No Doubt In us is a popular Manhua (Chinese Manga) called Liang Bu Yi From Young Dream. You can read it in webcomic in free (available in playstore or web). The comics about love, switch-body, marriage, and politics. The most well-loved comic was released in 2016 and had won several annual awards for 3 consecutive years. It had been read more than 1,3 billion, more than 47 million likes, and more than 3 million subscription. It was included in Top 30 of Shanghai Internatioal Film and Television Festival's 2018.
Xiao Jin Yun, name's the emperor who naturally hate and don't trust the empress and her family. Jin Yun is a handsome, thoughtful and broadminded man however not good in material arts, military strategies and defense. Xu Yu is the name of empress who falling in love with emperor since she was a kid. She is a beautiful and a daughter of Genderal who very excellent in material arts such as archery, swordsmanship and horse riding. Xu Yu is capable to be the next General. Yet she is not good in sewing, knitting or something other women to do. Teringat pada seseorang 😶. Hha
The Emperor's hatred and distrust of the Empress has disminished since both fell into lotus pool and exchanged bodies. The Emperor realized how badly other treated The Empress that he had never known. The Empress also knew that Ministres did'nt respect Emperor inasmuch as he had a weak body and not good at war. The Emperor realized his feelings to Empress since she went to war.
Cuteness and absurd things are well presented. How the Emperor was surprised when he felt menstruation in first time. Very cute. Very funny 😝😂. Donghua (anime Chinese) is planned to air on October 2020 with 24 episodes. A trailer video for Liang Bu Yi had been revealed in made by Bililbili events Last November 17, 2019, as seen in the video below .
One year work in Official Statistic
Bertahan di lingkungan yang baru. Wajar kangen orangtua guys
Memaksa diri untuk sadar betapa pentingnya diri sendiri. Keep Healthy
Mengalihkan diri dari rutinitas monoton. Bikin hiburan kalau g ada fasilitas yaa 🙆
Conclusion :
Don't judge someone by the cover. Don't hate someone to much. It can be, someone who are hated are the someone who most care and love you.