The struggle against pandemic Covid-19 is not over. The additional new case occurs in all countries. The vaccine to stop the spread of Corona Viruses is still in the development stage.
In contrast to global financial crisis that only effects the economies. Crisis of pandemi Covid-19 is an unique, hitting all sector of people's life such us economies, behaviours, transportation and acomodation, social, health etc. This condition changes behaviours and way of life of human.The use of masker, hand washing protocols, social distancing, lockdown and PSBB. Something unnusual and become obligation at this time.
There are big challenges that we must to do.We should resolved it. How to protect yourself and relatives from the viruses, particularly children 👪. How to manage financial . How to hold a jobs. This condition is called a New Normal Life. Make a peace with pandemi Covid-19. Coexist with Corona Viruses.
In virtual meeting, chief editor of Katadata (Yura Syahrul) with former Finance Minister period 2013-2014 (Muhammad Chatib Basri) discussed about The Picture of Indonesian's Economy in Dealing with Crisis and Post Crisis Covid-19. Muhammad Chatib Basri argues that the goverment should priorize the handling of Covid-19. Second, it provide social protection cause of people must stay at home. You are paid to stay at home, you are being paid to stay at home. Third, company doesn't pay credits inmuch as there are no production activities.
There are a Niche Market or 'Cerut Pasar' in a New Normal Life. Market will be made accordings to conditions by natural. Demand of mask and hand sanitizer is highest, transparant raincoats is used as Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) even as a fashion, and the food industries is starting switch to online. This pandemi Covid-19 gave rise a new business in different point of view.
If you want to know more about this issues , lets sneak peak in youtube 👀
I write based on my understanding.
I'm not an economist. I am graduate in Komputasi Statistik (Computer Science).
I wrote this article after reading several literatur like articles, journals, and watching that related to New Normal Life' s affairs 🙆.
I'm not an economist. I am graduate in Komputasi Statistik (Computer Science).
I wrote this article after reading several literatur like articles, journals, and watching that related to New Normal Life' s affairs 🙆.