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Menampilkan postingan dari Agustus, 2020

A Night Well Spent

Social media play a pivotal role to spread information from every corner in world easily. Formerly, people send message using pigeons then switch to post office. Social media claimed to cut distance in term of information. I believe that advantages of this technology outweigh the disadvantages. I will discuss my argument by analyzing the both sides. Firstly, there are advantages which are related with social media. One of them is people can share information about their environment. For example news channel provides information continuously. Social media can fulfill the need of information and fill communication gap. Further, development of social media has ability to collaborate online meeting and it’s more productive and efficient especially in pandemic era. Secondly, social media creates critical people. People have different view and express it without limit so that user must be smart person in sorting out good or bad information. Negative exist where positive exist in this world. ...

Eid Mubarak 1441 H dimasa Corona

Hha apa lah ini  Lebarannya kapan, menulisnya bulan kapan, di publishnya kapan ?  Mundur aja semua ckck Lebaran idul fitri tahun ini spesial sekali. Selain tidak bisa mudik, berarti #timRebahan aja. Malam takbiran udah Video Call dengan orang rumah. Besok pagi Video Call, siang Video Call, dan ke malam Video Call lagi Hha. I was couch potato because I could lay down in my bed for all day long 😂 Eid mubarak this year di awali dengan sholat munfarid ya, tidak ada jamaah.  Siangnya ke rumah dinas. Lumayan ada oper ayam, ketupat, buras, salad, cake dan gudeg. Hasil mengunjungi tujuh rumah dinas Mhha. Padahal di kulkas sudah ada bahan-bahan untuk masak rawon.  Sedikit culas.  Ya emang.  Diminta #dirumahaja malah keluar halal bil halal, sebentar saja. Kata si pengundang biar ada yang dibold LEBARAN . Sehabis ketemu, semuanya pada mengucapkan   "Selamat lebaran semoga tahun depan gak ketemu kamu lagi (titik)" Agak sedap sedap miris gimana kalau dicerna. Ng...